Aim of the subject: The course aims to introduce students to one of the most important, if not the most important, areas of European Union law. The internal market law includes the so-called four freedoms (free movement of goods, persons, services and capital) and some of the policies (e.g. competition policy, monetary policy, customs union, tax policy and consumer protection).
Outline of the course: The subject first introduces to the students to the rationality of the four economic freedoms and the detailed rules concerning them, and later we will also look at the commercial policy, competition policy and monetary policy.
Evaluation and grading: written exam with five assessment outcomes: excellent (5), good (4), medium (3), pass (2) fail (1).
Literature: The uploaded materials on the homepage and Szabó Marcel, Láncos Petra Lea, Gyeney Laura: Az európai jog fundamentumai, Szent István Társulat, 2013.